As a member of the United States Army, you have a wealth of educational resources available to you. A great example is the Army Medical Department’s Virtual Library (AVL). The AVL links to a wide array of medical references and educational resources for medical providers of all levels. Here is how you can sign up for your free account.

TL;DR: Click here and fill out the application.

Go to the AVL website by either clicking here, going to or searching for “amedd virtual library” on your favorite search engine.

Once on the AVL website, click the “My Athens Remote Access Registration” link at the top left.

When you get to the application page, fill out all the required information including your email account and hit submit (after verifying that you are a human). You will have to check your military enterprise email for your account verification.

Once you’ve verified your OpenAthens account, you can go to some of the following websites and log in using your new institutional access:

Use your OpenAthens credentials to log it.

You can also get access to many journals from the publisher’s website.

To view full-text articles, use your OpenAthens institutional access account to log in with Ovid (right):

Then use your new username and password to log in!